CUA DE GALL – MACBAesviu2016

« Bread is, probably, the most universal existing food. One of the foodstuffs that can be considered supercultural »
FoodCultura / Miralda, Panlingua 

Created by the Catalan artist Marta Archilés, Cua de Gall is a performance that celebrates bread. Inspired on the origins of the word cocktail (from <cock> + <tail> an animal venerated in many cultures and admired for the colors of its tail) the public was invited to try a unique bread cocktail, enjoy a special selection of bread songs and join us on a bread journey through stories and live actions. A five-senses experience created for an environment as remarkable as the replica of Miralda’s El Internacional Tapas Bar & Restaurant at MACBA, Museu d’Art Contemporani Barcelona.

Artistic Programming:
Inés Cañellas
Producers: Juan David Galindo and Raúl Herrera
Research: Yaiza Bocos and Júlia de Luís
Communication: Inés Cañellas and Marc Tamajón
Music selection: Yaiza Bocos, Aleix Castany and Robin Bazo
Performers: Juan David Galindo, Yaiza Bocos, Natalia Carminati and Raúl Herrera


Entrance to “El Internacional”, MACBA (Museum of Contemporary Art Barcelona).


Replica of “El Internacional” for the show “MIRALDA MADEINUSA” at MACBA.


Cua de Gall, performance at MACBA.


Cua de Gall, performing.


Preparing the bread-cocktail (I). Julia de Luis and Natalia Carminati.


Preparing the bread-cocktail (II). Yaiza Bocos and Juan David Galindo.


Celebrating bread. Natalia Carminati.


Celebrating bread
Celebrating bread. Julia de Luis.


Marta Archilés celebrating bread.


Bread yeast for Kvas.


“El Internacional” view of the bar after the bread celebration.


→ Related links:
Food Cultura